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In my opinion
BY PAUL DAVIDSON | June 20 2023

The outgoing president and CEO of Universities Canada reflects on the past 14 years.

It had been a long day. Flights had been delayed again. I drifted off to sleep mid-air and when I awoke, I could not remember my destination. It took what felt like several minutes to remember I was heading home. That’s a bit of a metaphor as I prepare to leave Universities Canada after 14 year...
In my opinion
BY PAUL DAVIDSON | June 22 2023

Le président-directeur général sortant d’Universités Canada fait le point sur 14 ans de travail dans le milieu de l’enseignement supérieur.

La journée avait été longue. Mes vols avaient encore été retardés, et je m’étais endormi dans l’avion. Quand je me suis réveillé, je ne me souvenais plus de ma destination. J’ai mis plusieurs minutes – du moins, c’est ce qu’il m’a semblé – à me rappeler que je rentrais che...
In my opinion
BY WEI CAI | November 10 2023

The efficacy of learning from apps and achieving intended learning outcomes begs contemplation.

Amidst a budgetary crisis, West Virginia University (WVU) recently put forth a proposal to Continue reading. Among those being cut are some language programs. Span...
From the admin chair
BY DOUG OWRAM | January 11 2010
Comme c’est ma première chronique et qu’on m’a demandé de transmettre le point de vue de l’administrateur, j’ai pensé commencer par vous raconter comment j’en suis arrivé là. Quand j’étais étudiant au doctorat à l’Université de Toronto, et ensuite jeune professeur ...
From the admin chair
BY DOUG OWRAM | September 13 2010

La définition de l’université est en train de changer (encore).

En tant qu’historien, je suis à l’affût des indicateurs clairs de l’évolution de la société. Dans les cas des universités au Canada, l’évolution a été plutôt directe. À quelques exceptions près, les universités canadiennes se sont développées en trois phases distinctes. Res...
From the admin chair
BY DOUG OWRAM | March 05 2012

What I learned from reading the biography of Steve Jobs.

Like thousands of others, I received Walter Isaacson’s biography of Steve Jobs for Christmas this year. While this may seem of marginal rel...
From the admin chair
BY SHEILA COTE-MEEK | September 07 2017

“What I’ve found the most rewarding about administration is the opportunity to bring about systemic change.”

Boozhoo. Kwe kwe. Greetings. Bonjour. This is my first column for University Affairs and I’m honoured to have been asked to take it on. It’s a bit intimidating to think about writing a series of columns about being an administrator. I wondered: Where to start? What to write about? Impor...
From the admin chair
BY SHEILA COTE-MEEK | September 09 2017

« Le plus valorisant en administration c’est la possibilité d’instaurer des changements systémiques. »

Boozhoo. Kwe kwe. Greetings. Bonjour. Voici ma première d’une série de chroniques dans Affaires universitaires. Je suis honorée d’avoir été invitée à présenter ainsi mes réflexions en tant qu’administratrice. Toutefois, cette démarche est aussi quelque peu angoissa...
From the admin chair
BY SHEILA COTE-MEEK | February 28 2019

It’s time to stop and rethink what a university should look like, and how education can remain relevant during times of rapid transition.

I would like to offer another way to look at the challenges we are facing in academia today, drawing on two recent experiences. The first experience centres around a presentation I gave on understanding different paradigms and worldviews. In it, I spoke about how narratives and storytelling often dr...
From the admin chair
BY SHEILA COTE-MEEK | September 17 2019

Having early discussions about a role change with those close to you is important, so they can grow with your decision.

After having built a long-standing and successful career, I have decided to make a leap to a larger university and recently accepted a new role as the inaugural vice-president, equity, people and culture, at York University. While I am very excited and honoured to be taking on this role, moving inst...
Margin Notes
BY LÉO CHARBONNEAU | March 18 2009

Is it more important to teach undergraduates “the classic works of Western Civilization” or “to become agents of social change.” American faculty have weighed in. Now it’s your turn.

A recent Continue reading in the Chronicle of Higher Education reported on a survey of more than 22,500 U.S. professors which asked, among other things, what the professors' goals were in terms of classroom in...
Margin Notes
BY LÉO CHARBONNEAU | March 20 2009

À titre de professeur, que jugez-vous prioritaire : Enseigner aux étudiants les classiques de la civilisation occidentale, ou enseigner aux étudiants à devenir des agents de changement social?

Un récent Continue reading de The Chronicle of Higher Education s'appuie sur un sondage effectué auprès de plus de 22 500 professeurs américains auxquels on a demandé, entre autres, quels étaient les o...
Margin Notes
BY LÉO CHARBONNEAU | February 04 2010

Saskatchewan government decides to cut funding to First Nations University of Canada.

The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada held a day-and-a-half workshop last week for university presidents focussing on aboriginal education. This workshop was the first in a series of planned AUCC events on aboriginal access to higher education, which was identified by AUCC as one of...
Margin Notes

Two dozen presidents from 14 countries gathered in advance of full G8 summit in Huntsville, Ontario.

An event that seemed to slip under the media radar, the 2010 G8 University Summit was held last week (May 20-22) in Vancouver, attended by 24 university presidents from 14 countries. It was the third such summit, the first being held in Hokkaido, Japan in 2008 and in Turin, Italy last year. The e...
Margin Notes
BY LÉO CHARBONNEAU | February 05 2013

Overeducated, underemployed graduates are not the new normal, as CBC doc claims.

I watched the CBC’s recent documentary, “Generation Jobless” (which aired on Jan. 31 but can be viewed now anytime on the Internet), and wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. I kept asking myself, what exactly was the message the documentary was trying to ...
Margin Notes

Massive open online courses are shifting in new directions.

Last November, the New York Times declared 2012 the Continue reading. Now, halfway through 2013, the MOOC mo...
Margin Notes

Les cours en ligne ouverts à tous prennent un nouveau virage.

En novembre dernier, le New York Times déclarait que 2012 était Continue reading (« massive on...
Margin Notes
BY LÉO CHARBONNEAU | October 02 2013

That’s the conclusion from a new survey of postdoctoral scholars in Canada.

The Canadian Association of Postdoctoral Scholars released this morning the results of a new national survey of postdocs. The survey captured not only demographic information – who are postdocs in Canada? – but also their primary concerns. (The full report is
Margin Notes

It can be done, with some effort, says a panel at this year’s Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences.

Imagine you’re a deputy minister of health and you wished to take a look at what data is being collected on the healthcare system. You discover that you know only a little about the problems patients come in with, that you stopped collecting data on doctors years ago, and that you have almost no d...
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