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BY DIANE PETERS | April 03 2024

Universities getting a full view of the upcoming eclipse explore the science and art of astronomy.


Building stakeholder partnerships from the beginning of a thesis project is a great way to inspire meaningful knowledge mobilization from student research.

BY BRIAN BETHUNE | March 13 2024

Are regional, class, gender and ethnic history programs shattering Canada’s collective sense of national identity?

BY CAILYNN KLINGBEIL | February 21 2024

The Saskatchewan-based researcher has been studying and tracking super pigs for over 14 years.

BY DAVID KENT | February 01 2024

A recent report on research culture shows that evaluation is key, but stops short of practical solutions to core problems.

BY BRIAN OWENS | January 19 2024

New policy includes lists of sensitive research areas and foreign institutions considered national security risks.

BY MOHAMED BERRADA | January 19 2024

How two École de technologie supérieure researchers played a key role in developing a new helmet prototype.

BY LESLEY EVANS OGDEN | January 03 2024

Things are progressing, but there is still work to be done.

BY NICOLE DAINTY | November 23 2023

‘It has taken on a new project we didn’t envision. We have repurposed it so it’s turned into a space object hunter.’

BY HANNAH LIDDLE | November 09 2023

By engaging with the public, academics are building trust on behalf of their institutions within their communities.

BY DIANE PETERS | October 13 2023

COVID-19 led to new opportunities and challenges.


One Child Every Child brings together researchers from diverse disciplines, organizations and countries to examine the biological and social determinants of health affecting the well-being of children.

BY CHENG XU | July 11 2023

Readying novice field researchers to cope with potential feelings of dislocation on their return should be part of their training toolkit too.

BY KURT KLEINER | July 07 2023

The government has promised billions of dollars for research and development to support future moon missions, with a long-term goal of sending people to Mars.

BY NEIL CAMPBELL | July 06 2023

Imposing broad rules on universities around ownership of intellectual property in complex research collaborations is not the answer.

BY NATALIE SAMSON | June 28 2023

Photo contests are gaining in popularity as a powerful way to share and promote research.

BY BRIAN OWENS | June 14 2023

National security agencies are taking a renewed interest in universities and their research in the face of rising geopolitical concerns.


As academics experiment with the graphic novel form, their research is reaching – and influencing – new audiences.

BY DAVID KENT | February 08 2023

The neuroscientist is gearing up to cover topics from open, team-based science to putting EDI to work in the field.

BY DIANE PETERS | January 04 2023

The redesign is part of a multi-year plan to improve access to collections, spaces and services, and to make the LAC more responsive to users’ needs.

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